Sep 3, 2021For My Sisters in Christ on Women in Leadership There are three aspects to the issue of women in leadership in the church that seem most important to me.
Aug 27, 2021Why Should the Church Gather?We are one of the first generations of to have been significantly separated from each other through the processes of industrialization.
Aug 20, 2021What is Sunday Morning For?Maybe this is the best time to ask the question, “why do we spend so much time and effort on a Sunday morning gathering?”
Aug 5, 2021Safe in the Arms of TruthTo the repentant person, freedom hinges upon submission to the words of God in the hands of the Spirit of God.
Jul 28, 2021Glory That Comes From Man or Glory That Comes From GodThey loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God. John 12:43
Jul 14, 2021Notes to my GrandchildrenSolomon spent a lot of time in preparing the generations to come with the wisdom of God. That is the purpose of the book of Proverbs.
Jun 30, 2021Let’s Be Careful About How We Use The Word Abuse, And How It Is Used To Justify Biblical DecisionsWhen I feel abused, I focus on an abuser. The trail of thought leads to justification to break with the abuser...
Jun 10, 2021Righteousness Has Fallen Off Of The CliffThe broader culture no longer has any definition of moral good that even approximates scripture.
Jun 2, 2021Our World Spins Out Of Control, But We Are Not The FirstIf the crescendo of credible authors, both Christian and non Christian are right, then deep seated pain will be our future…