Jun 26We Are Not AloneNow that I have reached the last phase of life, those of my own family who have finished their journey inspire me often.
May 31Sadly, Some People Are Not Really ChristiansStudies indicate that millions of people profess to be Christians.
May 22A Note From PattiWe hope these workbooks enrich your time with the Lord and deepen your hunger for His word.
May 17How Far Should We Plan The Future?James 4:13-17 teaches humility in planning, stressing reliance on God's will over human arrogance in making future plan.
May 6Missio DeiWhatever God is going to do in the world, He is going to do primarily through all Christ’s people. God is on mission.
Apr 30Ontology, Meaning And HopeWhere we find this fearlessness, we are inspired, built up in our own faith, and expectant of more to come.