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Writer: Dwight SmithDwight Smith

As I was researching a particular topic recently, I was surprised to encounter a few names on the list of countering thoughts that I didn’t expect to find. 

The particular topic is foundational to what we believe about origins, and more specifically what we believe about God and our relationship to Him. 

Open book with tortoiseshell glasses on top, lined notebook with pen, and a teal mug of coffee on a white table. Cozy and studious mood.

At this point, who they are is not important without a much more thorough discussion about what they believe and why they believe it. 

What was important to me was, what do I believe and why? I am regularly amazed, when I read the thoughts of others, how often I am stimulated to once again affirm what I have believed. 

One might expect that we would be surrounded by people who unashamedly and consistently affirmed the clear teachings of scripture…….Genesis to Revelations. 

Instead, almost always, the words of the Apostle Paul ring in my mind. “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily….” Colossians 2:8-9

I want to once again refer you to a much longer article on learning to think that I have written. With so many divergent thoughts swirling daily around us, and so much closer to our attention through social media, we are always in an urgent need to think!  

The struggle with thinking is three fold.

1. It takes time. Busy schedules don’t like to be interrupted.

2. We need to have established some ground rules and regimens to safely navigate good thinking.

3. We need a foundation off of which to think.  

With danger and confusion the storyline of our new world, I commend my article to you to read and study. Will it take time? Yes, time we need to take to protect ourselves and feed our hope.

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